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The average hourly salary in the UK is around £15.60 an hour.  If you calculate the time it takes to Google venues in a suitable location, and then check out the number of bedrooms, or size of their meeting spaces - without going into too much detail, it's probably cost you an hour already.

Then you have to try and find who to contact, compose an email, wait for a response, follow up with a phone call and check that the venue has the date, space and spec that works for your event, all while the clock is ticking....

If the venue cannot do the date you want, then the process starts all over's frustrating, it's time consuming and it's costly.

Instead, you can simply send us a two minute brief, outling the basic details of your event, and we will come back to you - quickly - with several ooptions all allowing you to make an informed choice.

We don't work to overide contracts, we don't have our favourites, but instead our years of experience enable us to connect you with the venues that we know will work for your event. All for free...

We will also double check any details, negotiate on your behalf and where we can, we'll try and get the venue to add some value to your event - with free upgrades or complimentary extras.

We will also help you get to the contract stage and make sure you are happy with all elements of the process, including any pesky cancellation clauses.

We don't charge for this at any stage of the process so how can we do this? As a registered and fully accredited agency, we work on a commission basis back from the venue. You pay them, they pay us. 

It doesn't cost you any more to come through an agency, in fact, agents often benefit from far better rates than clients who book direct - so why not give us a try and see what we can sort for your next event?

Two minutes by £15.60 an hour is only 52p whereas a two hour search is already over £30 - and that is money that could be put towards a round of drinks at your event!

Send us your brief and we'll save your time, your money and your sanity - all it takes is two minutes...

Save Money & Spend Two Minutes!

Thanks for spending two minutes with us - we will come back to you asap!

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